Beauty & Style

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why do blondes have the worst skin?

LOL before all the blondes in the world yell at me hear me out;

In my family specifically all the blondes have worst skin than the brunettes. I am one of the blondes. My skin is good now but when I was younger it was always zitty, while my sister got maybe 2 zits in her whole life (brunette). I noticed why my cousins that the blondes always get zits and the brunettes don't. This is on both my mom and dads side. So whats up with this?

Coincidence...purely. The blondes in your family are probably prone to oilier skin, that is all. It has nothing to do with being blonde, though. That is just how it happened to work out in your family, not everyone's!

I think that's just a coincidence... I have never heard that before.

I'm a natural brunette and used to be zitty, and I see plenty of non-blondes with acne, so I don't think you're stereotype is right.

i think the zits are just more noticeable because the blond hair blends in with your face more if you have white skin and makes things on your face that have color kinda stand out.

i'm twelve and blonde, I have maybe two not-so-noticeable zits...but some of the blondes in my class have horrible skin. oh well!

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